Monday 3 March 2014

When Heart takes on Head!

So sorry for being inactive for so long. before i start with my random post, i'd like to remind you guys that this is my personal blog, my personal views. They're not related to anyone, not even me.
I'm sorry if the posts are too 'informal' for some people to understand, i wish i could help them.
the so called "grammar nazzi's" and haters can always click on the red cross at the top right corner. :) 

The most painful wounds, worst of their kind are invisible. too deep inside, just at the center of someone's beating heart.
Now dont take me literally, he's not a heart patient. 

1.Physical suffering or distress, as due to injury,illness,etc.
2.Mental or emotional suffering or torment.

I'm talking about point#2 ,just by the way.
I've seen people in pain, serious pain. Stolen girlfriends, stolen phones, stolen cars, pens,pencils,chocolates, toffees, lollipops, blaah blaah blaah.. Trust me, they have my sympathy. I have no intention to joke about their "pain".
How about the pain of losing a family member? 
How about the fear of feeling the same pain again? this time, only stronger.

Think about another word. "WAR"
what comes to your mind after reading the word?
War -> Destruction -> PAIN.
What if the dispute is between two close friends of yours? How will you decide whom to support if you had to?
What if it is between your head and your heart?
what if....

You have a passion to achieve something in life, so you decide to work day and night for it. to be able to do what you love to do. You work!
You work for the name, the fame, the money, the power, the recognition or just love.
You work!
You work when you're awake and your mind works to decide the task for the following day when you're not.
You work!
You work when you're happy, you work when you're sad. you work when you could've had a good day n not so bad.
You work!
You get habitual to it gradually. You look for work when you're free, you look for more work when you're not.
You work!
It's like you're running in a race blindfolded, and you're just going on. you don't have a clue where you're headed to, but you're going on.
Your head pushes you further. It motivates you, shows you a temporary task and stops you from giving up.
Distracts you from everything else, distracts you from everyone else, distracts you from every flying thought you could ever have.

Your friends decide to go for a movie, you can't go cuz you had some work and your head didnt allow you to linger on any further with it.
Your mom calls you home from your PG, and you just can't go cuz you have some WORK here, and your head doesn't allow you to go. 
Your love asks you out on a date, and you refuse. for obvious reasons.
You head, has a different scene all together in your mind. 

Then one fine day, your heart takes a stand.
You decide to take a day off. So you sit and look around you, wondering what to do.
You call your friends up, they've gone for a movie and they didn't invite you. they pre-assumed that you'll be busy.
you call up your mom, she has gone to her friend's place.She didn't expect your call anymore and probably was too tired of waiting for it.
your love, starts loving someone else.

This feeling which you get on running blindly on an endless road, leaving everyone miles behind and getting a "THULLU" , is pain.

Now what? 
head says, "enough! get back to work"
heart says," why work to only kill yourself?"
head : " if they cared, they would have understood."
heart : "It was you who was too blinded to see."

So finally, you look at yourself in the mirror and think about what all you're left with. 
different kinds of pain to cry about?
different kinds of thullu's to play with?
This feeling, of being in a chaos and not knowing what to do is pain. :)

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